factor comparison method of job evaluation example

Job Evaluation Programme | Various Methods The modified Aiken plan described here is a factor comparison plus factor analysis plus point evaluation. Factor comparison steps. For example, Table-2 shows that the skill factor in the context of job evaluation has three sub factors: education and job knowledge, experience and traini ng, and initiative and ingenuity. For example, if a job having 400 points is paid? Point-Factor Evaluation Method. Each job is rated using the job evaluation instrument. Ranking / Grading Method: Under ranking method, jobs are organized in descending order of importance with the help of job description and job specification. … Four basic methods have traditionally been used: ranking, classification, factor comparison, and point-rating. As the company owner, you have to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your company. Mental and/or Physical Effort 3. The ranking of job is done by a committee of experts called raters. The Paterson System The graphic rating scale, a behavioral method, is perhaps the most popular choice for performance evaluations.This type of evaluation lists traits required for the job and asks the source to rate the individual on each attribute. The ranking method is one of the simplest methods of job evaluation. The points for each factor are summed to form a total point score for the job. A business assessment helps you to achieve your company's goals, to expand and grow your business in a smart and strategic way. A more systematic & scientific method of job evaluation is the factor comparison method. These may include skill, effort, decision making, working conditions, and responsibility for people, finance, or equipment. This method involves ranking of jobs in respect of certain job factors and assigning of money wages to the job depending upon the ranking. Correct option is . Solution. The ranking and classification methods provide the evaluation of jobs in non-quantitative terms, whereas the point method and factor comparison method furnish the result in quantitative job values. point factor method. Posted: (7 days ago) The point method is an extension of the factor comparison method. Point Method Steps. job evaluation. subject of Job Evaluation, confronted the generally accepted approach of using the point method scales, when determining job factors in relation to relative job worth. Mental effort, physical effort, skills required supervisory responsibilities, working conditions, and other relevant factors. Knowledge and Skill 2. The Factor Comparison Method. For example, compare BM’s 35 and 49. In the whole job category, there are two constructs: job ranking and job classification. These are systematic and formalised systems for evaluating jobs. Key Words: Job Evaluation, Point Rating, Factor Comparison, Factor Plan, Linear Programming. 3. 2. The steps for implementing the point method of job evaluation are summarized in Exhibit 8.13. In the light of job evaluation … The factor comparison method is a quantitative method of job evaluation which evaluates jobs according to several compensable factors. Classification/Grading Method. 4. It is worthwhile noting which ones are used most commonly in your sector. Point-Factor Method Job Evaluation Exercise Instructions In this exercise, you will have an opportunity to rank order 8 jobs in a hotel based on the points that you will generate from a point-factor method. There are five stages in this method. Each job as a whole is compared with other and this comparison of jobs goes on until all the jobs have been evaluated and ranked. An example of how the Factor Comparison Method works is given below :: Factors/ Key Job Daily Wage Rate Physical Effort Mental Effort Skill Responsibility Working Conditions Electrician 60 11(3) 14(1) 15(1) 12(1) 8(2) Fitter 50 14(1) 10(2) 9(2) 8(2) 9(1) Welder 40 12(2) 7(3) 8(3) 7(3) 6(3) Cleaner 30 9(4) 6(4) 4(5) 6(4) 5(4) Labourer 25 8(5) 4(5) 6(4) 3(5) 4(5) In this method, employees are ranked from best to worst in a group. Each factor is then divided into levels or degrees which are then assigned points. The four methods available are ranking, classification, factor comparison, and point method to choose in utilizing the aspects to assist in job evaluation. The ranking method is the simplest method of job evaluation, where each job as a whole is compared with; other i.e., “the whole job” is compared rather than compensable factors. Point-Factor plans are considered to be particularly suitable for purposes of pay equity compliance. Establishment of sound wage differentials between jobs. For example, in Table 6.1 “Example of a Paired Comparison for a Job Evaluation”, four jobs are compared based on a ranking of 0, 1, or 2. Sensitive in measuring job differences Enables comparison of dissimilar jobs … Several methods such as job ranking, job grading, and factor comparison are employed in job evaluation. The job evaluation methods can be categorized as two different types: whole job or selection of factors of job. Such discriminations lead to negativity within a group and have a negative impact on performance. Factors of factor comparison. Analytical Job Evaluation Methods. Though it is the most difficult method of all, it is appreciable & consistent. The basic objective of job evaluation is to determine the relative contributions that the performance of different jobs makes towards the realization of organisational objectives. What is job evaluation? The Assessment method is not a job evaluation method. O*NET Content Model. With this approach, generic job characteristics are grouped to reflect … Under this method, one begins with the selection of factors, usually five of them: mental requirements, skill requirements, physical exertion, responsibility, and job conditions. Factor Comparison System. It is a sophisticated method of ranking in which jobs are compared to each other across several factors. Job evaluation refers to a systematic method of determining a given job’s relative value or worth in relation to other jobs within a specific organization. Appendix (for LO 6-2) O*NET Categories. The Hay Group was founded in 1943 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Edward N. Hay . STEP 2: INPUT JOB INFORMATION. There are four widely used job evaluation methods. Each job is rated using the job evaluation instrument. In order to know the wages being paid in other similar concerns, a survey should be conducted. Here, jobs are expressed in terms of key factors. “The Factor Comparison method is a very precise method of job evaluation. The total points of a job indicate wages. It is known as a Point-Factor plan. Job evaluation or job grading involves - describing a job in the smallest detail - grading that particular job in relation to other jobs within the same unit, branch, or industry - laying down wages accordingly There are a number of different job evaluation systems used in South Africa. Description of the Job Evaluation Factors All of the above; Q36 – The following is not a job evaluation method. Job requirements are compared to the definitions of the factor levels, with corresponding points assigned to the job based on the relevant level. Classification overview According to this method, a predetermined number of job groups or job classes are established and jobs are assigned to these classifications. These job evaluation methods seek to rank all the jobs in the organization and place them in a hierarchy that will reflect the relative worth of each. Factor comparison method. Skill. No matter which Ranking Method is the simplest form of job evaluation method.The method involves ranking each job relative to all other jobs, usually based on some overall factor like ‘job difficulty’. Q35 – The important objectives of a job evaluation programme. Ranking method is one of the simplest performance evaluation methods. The human management and senior management team incorporates one the methods that is geared to managing the … Under this method, jobs are … Job evaluation methods vary. Responsibility. 3. The simplicity of this method is overshadowed by the negative impact of assigning a ‘worst’ and a ‘best’ rating to an employee. The point-factor method is the most widely used job evaluation technique because it is versatile and can be applied to different jobs. Installation of an effective means of wage control. AS with all job evaluation approaches, the The Point Method. Responsibility and/or Job Impact 4. 2. Using this tool, you will be able to specify the number and type of job evaluation factors; the number of levels within … The Factor of Comparison Method Recent Developments in Job Evaluation Let Us Sum Up Clues to Answers 8.0 OBJECTIVES After reading this Unit, you should be able to : identify and develop an understanding of the methods of job evaluation, know about the steps involved in the application of various methods. The job evaluation factors for the new management classification plan are: ... through comparison of the job’s typical nature to the level definitions within the factor and confirming through ... a job with limited responsibility for staff can be evaluated at the same level as a job with numerous staff. Give an example of an organization in which each of the four methods might provide an optimal strategic fit. 3. Compare and contrast the four job evaluation methods. STEPS IN THE POINT METHOD STEP 1: SELECT THE JOB CLUSTER AND THE JOBS TO BE EVALUATED. To learn more about the purpose of job evaluation methods and their types, review the corresponding lesson called Four Methods of Job Evaluation: Ranking, Classification, Point & Factor Comparison. 2. Job Classification or Grading Method. 9,000. The Hay System is a job performance evaluation method that is widely used in North America and Europe. Table: Allocation of Money Value to the different factors and Ranking of Jobs under the Factor Comparison Method For example, if toolmaker is a benchmark job and its wage rate is 20 money units; it may be decided to assign nine of these to skill, five to mental requirements, two to physical requirements, three to responsibility and one to working conditions. Working conditions. Thomas E. Hitten has originated factor comparison method of job evaluation. The points for each factor are summed to form a total point score for the job. All jobs are evaluated not only by the interpretation of the factor descriptions but within the context of all other In this process, job evaluation is done by considering common key elements of different jobs which are then weighted and ranked. Job evaluation by classification 1. "Factor Comparison System job evaluation data from a paper mill were subjected to the Thurstone Factor Analysis technique following the intercorrelation of points awarded on each of the job elements and the total. The objective of job evaluation is to determine which jobs should get more pay than others. Job Evaluation: Point Method - HR-Guide. Two Examples of Job Evaluation Techniques. Factor-Comparison Method. This is a grading system. Job Evaluation Qualitative Approaches. Ideally, all factors should be present in all the jobs being evaluated to some degree, so that each job can be scored under each factor heading. A more systematic & scientific method of job evaluation is the factor comparison method. Though it is the most difficult method of all, it is appreciable & consistent. Under this method, rather than ranking complete jobs, each of jobs is ranked according to a series of factors. This factor plan was, in turn, used to evaluate a sample of 54 jobs carried out in the Company. Zero indicates the job is less important than the one being compared, 1 means the job is about the same, and 2 means the job is more important. Points Rating System. C. Paired comparison. Internally Consistent Compensation Systems and Competitive Strategy. Advantages of Job Evaluation: A job evaluation program is useful for the following reasons: (i) In the case of new jobs, the job evaluation often facilitates fitting them into the existing wage structure; (ii) Job evaluation is a logical and, to some extent, an objective method of ranking jobs relative to one another. There are a number of job evaluation methods to choose from. Job classification. Physical effort. Each level in the grade/category structure has a description and associated job titles. However, the complexity of designing and maintaining such a system results in most organizations utilizing one of the other three approaches. After you've reviewed this video lesson, you should be able to: Describe what … This is more systematic and scientific method. C. Paired comparison. 5. Selecting a job evaluation method. Hence, they need to choose other methods of evaluation while for small companies, it is perfect as it will take less time, money, and other resources. 1. Point Factor Method . The factor-comparison method is yet another approach for job evaluation in the analytical group. It requires identifying several compensable factors (like skills and responsibility) each with several degrees and also the degree to which each of these factors is present in the job. The job scores are added to determine a total and are used to create a job hierarchy by using either … This method is widely used and is considered to be one of the reliable and systematic approach for job evaluation in mid and large size organisations. Thomas E. Hitten was the first to originate factor comparison method of job evaluation. At the end, a nal rank order was established for a meaningful base to build up a grade structure.

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